MI Vehicle Value

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         powered by Michigan Dealer Services 


A New Way To Source Inventory :

  •  Better Quality Vehicles
    • Vehicle quality is low through auctions, where most vehicles are purchased.
  • Lower inventory acquisition costs
    • Reducing the dealership’s reliance on auction purchases lowers acquisition costs.
  • Mobile Active Consumers
    • We create a vehicle acquisition opportunity with our simple form and engage local consumers on their mobile device.
  • Website plugin and integration
    • Our website plug-in is focused on vehicle acquisition as well as lead generation.
  • Inventory Aggregator
    • Proactively generate vehicle Curb-Buys for specific targeted vehicles.


Website Plugin: Leverage the dealership's brand to get a chance to buy inventory.  The Website Plugin brings the MI Vehicle Valuation to all the dealership’s website visitors.

Inventory Aggregator: Find the dealership's targeted vehicles with specific pages built around the top selling vehicles.  The Inventory Aggregator brings dealership inventory opportunities by marketing to active sellers of the dealership’s targeted vehicles.



Mobile-active consumers are engaged in real-time on their mobile device, they submit vehicle images as part of the Vehicle  Evaluation Form.  The vehicle images provides  the dealer with better information and gives the dealership’s buyer more confidence in their evaluations.



Quality inventory opportunities that dealers make money on:

                              Curb Buys have higher gross



Try Out the Vehicle Valuation Form:



Only four steps to your vehicle's value:


1.  Upload images of your vehicle

Upload images of your vehicle


2.  Input your contact information


3.  Submit the form for your vehicle's cash offer.


4.  Chat with MI Dealer Service to answer any questions and to get started!


Click on the Chat icon for questions!

We offer a contactless and safe environment for you.

Examples of the images to take of your vehicle
VIN Example Mileage Example Vehicle Front Image Exmaple Vehicle Rear Image Example
Vehicle VIN Number Example Odometer Example Vehicle Image Rear Angle



Images of front corner and opposite rear corner of vehicle
Has the vehicle ever had any paint work?
* Required Field